Friday, September 12, 2008

Schrödinger's cat

Yesterday I was watching one of my favorite serial, the 'Big Bang Theory' starring four geek guys, one of them Indian and a dumb hot blond. I will not advocate my choice here, but it taught me a lot of things. Things like Light Year is not a unit of distance but time (an honest confession that I too had the same perception), how to sell your sperms to make money, the string theory and its implications on humans, no more than 26 dimensions exists in a physical universe and so on.....

But the most interesting was the 'Schrodinger's Cat' theory, which in plain english means that if you put a cat in a box with poison, the cat can be assumed alive as well dead, the final outcome can only be proved by opening the box. It is explanation for the 'Copenhagen interpretation'.

The thing that amuses me a lot is the close relevance of physics and human nature, I have always tried to apply rules of physics to human behavior and study its implications. We often times think a lot and waste our time in finding out the outcome of an event instead of taking appropriate action. Its like calculating your moves in advance to defeat destiny, which in my opinion is an impossible task. Schrodinger's cat tells us precisely that, do not wast your time in thinking too much about the outcome take appropriate action. I remember that Lord Krishna said 'Don't  worry about the result, keep on doing your duty', please don't quote me on this but this was approximately what he said. 

Also it is good to have 'Schrodinger's cat' theory in your arsenal, at-least its makes you look smart ass.

Auf Wiedersehen !


tan... said...

You ended with a solid bang!!!

Monu said...

Mast post !